Auckland City Stamps
The Experts In Handling The Valuation & Sale Of Your Stamps, Covers, Postcards & Estate Lots
Please fill in your details below including a brief description along with up to ten photos of the material you are considering selling or consigning to auction.
Please also upload photos that show how many boxes or albums of material so we can get an idea of the size of the collection. If you have better albums or what you might think are specific rarities then please upload photos of these single stamps or the first few pages of the album as these often contain the more valuable items. There is no need to send close up photos of single stamps you think might be valuable, full page images are fine for us to do a top line assessment and we will advise if further scans are required.
Unfortunately First Day Covers from the 1950’s onwards do not generally hold any commercial value but we can review from any photos you send.
Once we receive your information and photos we will be in contact to make a recommendation on the best way for you to proceed with the sale of your material or how best to handle an Estate Lot – be it auction or outright purchase.
Once a price is agreed for Direct Sale, payment is made immediately. Payments for material sold at Auction are generally made within 30 days of the auction sale date.
While we generally respond sooner, please do allow us 7-14 days to come back to you as we have a small team and a full auction schedule.
We look forward to being of assistance.